
Make a difference in your community

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We appreciate all donations and can assure our donors that 100% of your donation is used toward charitable purposes as all of the Foundation's operational expenses are paid by First West Credit Union as part of its annual community investment. In fact, all donations made to the Foundation are added to our endowment funds and work to generate community funding in perpetuity. Your donation to the Foundation goes a long, long way.

Tax receipts are issued for all donations over $10.

Our Registered Charity Number is: 890734940RR0001. For more information regarding charitable tax incentives please visit Canada Revenue Agency.

To donate, download our pledge form and drop off or mail your donation. Alternatively, you can donate online.

Please explore the various giving options by reviewing the information listed in the navigation panel to the left.


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Make a difference in your community


Get to know us

The Foundation was created on the vision of helping create vibrant and healthy communities. By working in partnership with local organizations, the Foundation seeks to actively contribute to meaningful projects that make a positive and lasting impact upon community life. Read more about us >>
